Holopedia Tokens Hybrid ~ Introduction

Holopedia Tokens Hybrid has been created to serve as a payment method for holographic content that is shared among Holopedia platform users. Holopedia will incentivize users to upload holographic data of different kind by rewarding them Holopedia Tokens.
Holopedia Tokens Hybrid is currently developeing holograms oriented DApps (HoloApps) that will facilitate gamification of the activities around hologram content browsing, sharing and use in specialized display devices.
With HoloApps the users will be able to interact with the network and easily obtain Holopedia Tokens from activity on the site.
Funds generated withing Holopedia Project will be invested in access to medical body scanning equipment such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI, Computer Tomography CT scan to gather data to build health related holograms, and in later stage work towards personalized, hologram assisted therapies available for Holopedia Network users, therapists, doctors.

[Architecture Holopedia] Quantum states are characterized such that they cannot be directly observed without the change of those states throught the act of observation. Other means need to be developed to be able to make use from given quantum states. A proposed way is through holography and holographic tools. Melanie Swan (Swan, June 2020 [1]) describes such technology where quantum computing is an Internet cloud environment with holographic control theory used as macroscale controller.
[DLT HP] Holopedia Project closely observes and follows the preparations for Quantum Blockchain (Swan, 2020 [2]) emergence which in the next phase will the network of choice that better suits the Holopedia Project’s vision to manufacture and operate holograms a means to interface with quantum physics realm.
[Holarchies] Holarchy, a holon based type of hierarchy, is characterized such that every of its levels is the whole at different resolution. Many recents theories describe human consciousness as a holonic element of universe~wide holarchy and as such distributed in every part of the cosmosphere, a quantum-holographic brain-mind [3]
[organizations] An organizational pattern of the system can be called holographic when its inner orderliness is governed by multilevel, multidirectional, and complex holistic information network system formed by internal feedback loops that follows holoinformational and self-organizing theory [4].
[1] Melanie Swan, “B/CI: Quantum Computing, Holographic Control Theory, and Blockchain IPLD for Brain “, June 2020[2] Melanie Swan, et al., “Quantum Computing: Physics, Blockchains, And Deep Learning Smart Networks“, Between Science and Economics Vol.2, 2020[3] Francisco Di Biase, “The Unified Field of Consciousness“, Unified Field Mechanics, chapter 25, 2016[4] Kun Wu, and Qiong Nan, “Information Characteristics, Processes, and Mechanisms of Self-Organization Evolution“, Hidawi, Complexity, 2019[5] Dirk K F Meijer, “The Extended Brain: Cyclic Information Flow in a Quantum Physical Realm“, NeuroQuantology, 2014[6] “Ultraleap Haptics system“[7] “Holograms are changing the way we interact with computers“, Special Report Technology sector[8] “Google, Facebook, Apple, WIMI Hologram Cloud (Nasdaq:WIMI) are Competing on AR + Blockchain Combination Field“, (http://en.wimiar.com/) marketwatch.com, April 23, 2020[9] “THE HOLOINFORMATIONAL HOLOINFORMATION FOUNDATIONS OF CONSCIOUSNESS“,Biophysics of Consciousness, chapter 7, 2016[10] “Holograms & How They Will Affect Social Interaction“, CT WiFi, Mar 29, 2016[11] Larry Alton, “Is Holographic Storytelling The Future Of Social Media Marketing?“SOcial Media Week, 2017
Holopedia Team
Tadeusz Habdank-Wojewódzki, PhDFounder and initiator of the Holopedia project, Tadeusz is the main source of inspiration in Holopedia Tokens Hybrid bringing expertise in DLT algorithms for holographic sets and for the payment concepts.
Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, PhDSeweryn’s background in robotics and automation and proficiency in machine learning provides Holopedia organization resources to apply Artificial Intelligence AI for interactive holographic humanoid projects.
Felicja Habdank, MScFelicja has a rich experience managing organizations at both corporation and entrepreneurial level. In Holopedia she oversees the finance and accounting of the organization as well as the legal issues.
Monika Radwańska, MAMonika is a professional editor in the movie industry and applies her capabilities in direction and scenography for holographic sets.
Bolesława Habdank-Wojewódzka, MABolesława is an art teacher at the University of Warsaw and her artistic work is focused on creating consciousness~supporting artistic designs in personality training applications.
Michał Radwański, BEng. He has extensive experience building web based applications and is translating his knowledge into DLT and hApps development and network’s maintenance.